How Membrane Switches Work and Their Purpose?
How Membrane Switches Work and Their Purpose?
Membrane switches are nothing but an electric switch that can be used to turn on or off a circuit. It can also perform various operations and issue a command. It acts as the link between the operator and the device. This is the reason why when we speak about membrane switches we always relate it to keypads, keyboards, and toggle switches.
Construction of a Membrane Switch:
Every membrane switch is different and the construction of it varies according to the manufacturer. A large number of custom membrane switches manufacturer like Printec view the specifications and then construct the required type of membrane switches. Most of the time’s membrane switch design consists of a four-layered design. The topmost layer is used as the graphics interface or display. A circuit made up of polyimide or copper is deposited under it. One unique thing about membrane switches design is that it is constructed using pressure sensing adhesives which are placed tightly with the help of mechanical parts such as keyboard housing. Each membrane switch has three methods of lighting. They are LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes, EL or Electroluminescent lamps and optical fibers. These lights are placed in order to help the mechanic to view the work he is doing while fixing the membrane switch to the circuit.
So, how does membrane switches operate?
Well, the membrane switches design is a simple process to understand. Whenever the user wishes to turn on a device, he has to simply press the switch. This results in the poles of the device to communicate leading to the closure of the circuit. However, when the pressure is released, both the poles lose their connection and the switch gets restored to its open state.
There is a key difference between the composition of mechanical switches and that of membrane switches design. Though they may appear to be similar due to its design, mechanical switches are inferior as they are composed of Copper and plastic parts. On the other hand, membrane switches are made out of ITO or Indium tin oxide and PET Polyethylene Terephthalate. The ink used within the membrane switch comprises of silver, copper or graphite materials known for its conductive property. It enables the electrical current to pass smoothly.
What is the purpose of Membrane Switches?
Membrane switches are the advanced switches used in various applications in the present day world. The list includes aerospace, defense, medical, transport or industrial areas. It is most commonly found in control panels of aircraft, keypads, touch screen mobile phones, kidney dialysis equipment, etc.
They are both flexible and durable. It can operate smoothly in both high as well as low-temperature modes. Hence these membrane switches are highly reliable and possess high conductivity of electricity.
If you are looking for the best membrane switches manufacturer, you can consider Printec. They are known as leading custom membrane switches manufacturer since 1992. With such vast experience, Printec is sure to meet your expectations.